- It's where about half of FAO staff work. 该组织有大约一半的工作人员在此工作。
- Times? When and where about the last time? 拒签次数,最后一次是何时?何地?
- John Rawlins: Where about you from? 罗林斯:你从哪来?
- Where about is the title of "GODFATHER OF CHINA SNOWBOARDING" comefrom? 你的“中国单板教父”的头衔是怎么得来的?
- New York's Jack Bibby in the absence of any help where about 10 live rattlesnake tail adhered to the 10 seconds. 美国纽约的杰克·毕比在没有任何帮助的情况下咬着10条活响尾蛇的尾巴坚持了10秒钟。
- Under his proposal, neighborhoods in east Jerusalem where about 170,000 Palestinians live would be transferred to Palestinian sovereignty, Ramon said. 拉蒙表示,根据该提议,有170.;000巴勒斯坦人居住的东巴勒斯坦居住区要交还给巴勒斯坦方面。
- The condensate flows to a forced draft cooling tower3 where about 80 % is evaporated, depending on weather conditions. 凝结水流至一强迫通风冷却塔,约80%25被蒸发掉,这要取决于天气条件。
- McDonal's has yet to open any McCafes in the UK, where about half of Starbucks' European stores are based. 麦当劳尚未在英国开设麦咖啡店,而星巴克在欧洲的咖啡店约有一半设在英国。
- In the Kiangsi sector,landownership was most concentrated in Suichuan County,where about 80 per cent of the land belonged to the landlords. 江西方面,遂川的土地最集中,约百分之八十是地主的。
- In the Kiangsi sector, landownership was most concentrated in Suichuan County, where about 80 per cent of the land belonged to the landlords. 江西方面,遂川的土地最集中,约百分之八十是地主的。
- Massive wildfires are raging in several western states including Arizona where about 180 people were allowed back to their homes today. 猛烈的大火正在包括亚利桑那州在内的西部几个州肆虐,约180名居民今天被允许回到家中。
- You can also stop by the Chamsori Museum where about 1600 phonographs from Edison's inventions to up-to-date audios are kept. 附近还有真声博物馆,收藏着爱迪生的发明以及最新音响设施等1600多个留声机。
- H.O. published the important news alongside reports of a similar outbreak in Hong Kong, where about 15-20% of the population had become ill. 世界卫生组织发布了这条重要新闻并在旁边报道了在香港的类似疫情,约15-20%25的人口已经感染了瘟疫。
- Most of them are native Emiratis, but in the multicultural world of Dubai where about 90% of the population is foreign she has also counselled Europeans and Asians. 他们大多数是阿联酋本土人,但在文化多元的迪拜,大约90%25的人口是外国人,所以她也为欧洲人和亚洲人做咨询。
- Where about? 关于哪儿?
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- Mr Qazi is not trying to play down the awfulness of the situation in Sudan's western region, where about 300,000 have died as result of fighting since 2003 and more than 2.5m have been displaced. 卡奇的这一言论并不是试图淡化苏丹西部地区的糟糕形势。自2003年伊始,西部地区的斗争冲突已经导致大约30万百姓丧生和250万人流离失所。
- Local sources claim the trouble began at a bar called Monty's, in Vale do Lobo, where about 15 members of the squad had gone for a drink after a team meal on the eve of their departure from Portugal. 当地消息声称这场事故开始在一个叫做Monty's的酒吧,在ValedoLobo,有15名球在他们离开葡萄牙的那晚。
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。
- How did it come about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什麽地方的呢?